Fly Like a Girl

A narrative piece, sharing the story of a young adult impacted by a community foundation iniative, introducing her to a career she hadn't thought possible.


JetBlue Foundation


Long Island, NY


Septamber 2024


Production Story

Filmiamo was tasked with capturing the story of a young adult impacted by the JetBlue Foundation's Fly Like a Girl initiative.

Filmiamo developed interview questions designed to tell the story of a young woman who attended an aviation high school, pursuing a career she never thought possible until she learned about it through JetBlue's initiative.

Filmiamo filmed interviews onsite in Long Island, and then captured b-roll at John F. Kennedy Airport of JetBlue operations and various women in leadership positions at the airline.

Filmiamo then edited together the final video, combining numerous interviews and angles. B-roll of previous Fly Like a Girl events was all shot by Filmiamo between 2018 - 2024.

The video was filmed and edited within 3 days, as it was a rush request for a fundraising event in September 2024, where a Filmiamo photographer was onsite.


Videographer - Luke Rafferty
Editor - Luke Rafferty

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